Solar generators are a terrific way to have additional energy on hand, whether you are looking for a way to keep your lights on when the power goes out or you want to charge your phone while camping.
Solar generators have been increasingly popular in recent years. They appear to be the ideal solution on the surface. You will be able to generate electricity from the sun for free. Are they, however, the best option for you? What are the pros and cons you should think about?
Here are some of the advantages and disadvantages of solar generators to help resolve your doubts as to whether you should go for it or not.
Pros of Solar Power Generators
Below are the reasons why people love using solar generators;
Solar Generators are free to run
One of the most significant benefits of purchasing a solar generator is that it is free to operate. You’ll be able to get all of the electricity from the sun once you’ve put up the array. There are a few things you can do to ensure that your solar generator is performing at its best, including:
- Placing it in a location that receives direct sunlight.
- Take into account the orientation. The next consideration is the direction in which the panels will be facing. It’s usually better to position them facing south.
- Tilt the panels to the side. You should tilt them at a 30 to 40-degree angle to capture the most sunlight.
Clean Renewable Energy
Solar generators are totally powered by clean, renewable energy sources. This means you won’t have to worry about not only the expense of fossil fuels to run your generator but also the environmental consequences of using gasoline.
When solar generators produce and store energy, they do so without emitting any pollutants.
Low Running Expenses
Solar energy also has the advantage of not being affected by price fluctuations like petroleum or gasoline. Your ‘fuel’ expenses will be consistent once you’ve acquired the solar power system.
A solar generator has much lower operating costs than a gasoline-powered portable generator. You won’t need to buy gasoline because solar energy is free to consume, and you won’t have to replace your oil.
Solar Generators Are Quiet & Need Low Maintenance
Another advantage of solar power generators is that they would be extremely quiet. Solar generators, unlike gas generators, have no moving parts. This minimizes the amount of noise they make while running greatly.
Furthermore, since there are no moving parts, the risks of solar generator parts malfunctioning are minimal. When compared to a gas generator, this significantly helps in the reduction of maintenance necessary for a solar generator.
Cons of Solar Generators
Now let’s talk about some of the cons you might get while using solar power generators.
Initial Costs Are High
Solar generators are much more expensive to buy than conventional gas generators. While Solar generators have lowered operating costs dramatically. As a result, you will cut back on spending over the solar generator’s lifetime. But again, the initial investment might take some toll on your wallet. For example, a good traditional gas generator cost somewhere between 1000 $ to 1200 $. While a solar generator cost starts from 2000$. So, it’s a heavy investment at the beginning.
Solar Generators Require a Battery
Unlike other sorts of generators, you’ll need a mechanism to store the energy generated. It would be unable to work overnight and will perform poorly on a cloudy day if this is not done. You’ll have to be cautious about how you manage your battery power. A lead battery, for example, cannot be discharged more than 50%. There’s a chance you’ll wind up destroying the battery if you do.
It can cause issues if you have a period of severe weather and the battery hasn’t been recharging adequately. It’s possible that you’ll need to start tracking and minimising your electricity usage. This prevents the battery from running out.
Solar Generators Recharge Slowly
The batteries in solar generators can only be recharged while the sun is shining. Even then, charging the battery from the solar panels takes time. Most mid-sized solar generator batteries would take over 9 hours to charge using a panel with an output power of 100 watts.
Power stations that run on fossil fuels may be refueled at any moment, allowing you to acquire extra power whenever you need it, regardless of the weather or time of day.
Susceptible To Damage
This is not a major disadvantage and usually does not happen. But in conditions like hail, snowstorm, or extreme rain, the solar panels can get damaged and you might have to replace them again straining your budget.
But there are multiple solutions people are using to reduce the solar panel damage. For example, they go for a wire cage around the solar panels so that it keeps the hail, birds, or animals away from the panels. Also, a protecting sheet of methacrylate plate keeps the glass more protected, and string enhances the strength of solar panels.